
Lead exposure is serious business. Lead is a toxic substance that can pose a potential health hazard to humans, even a small amount can pose a risk over time as it accumulates in the body. Before 1970, paints containing high levels of lead were used in many Australian houses. Renovating your home or building can create a potential hazard if lead is present without realising the danger. If old paint is not handled properly, lead dust and paint chips can remain in the home or on the garden years after the work is complete. Paint removal by blasting, burning, dry scraping, dry sanding and using power tools creates the most serious dangers because the particles are small enough to be inhaled or deposited in furnishings or carpet, making complete removal extremely difficult.


The best and first approach to undertaken if you are concerned that your home or building may contain lead is to get it tested. If you suspect you have potentially found lead, it is important to get it tested to ensure that is does or does not contain lead. The only way to confirm if paint does contain lead is to sample and analyse the material by a NATA accredited and approved laboratory.


Options for sampling is that we send one of our experienced occupational hygienists to site to take the sample for you or a sample can be dropped into our local office. Collecting a sample for lead involves taking safety precautions and must be handled with care. 

Here is our step-by-step guide on how to take a sample:

Our expert team of hygienists can identify and test for lead paint, undertake air monitoring during lead paint removal and undertaken thorough post remediation clearance inspections. The team is qualified and experienced to ensure that our client’s best interests are at the forefront.

When you require the All Clear, call the experts today on 02 6937 6200

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