Clearance Certificates

A clearance inspection is an inspection of an area after licensed asbestos removal work has been completed to ensure that all asbestos containing materials and related debris are removed in accordance. It is a requirement that a clearance certificate be issued by an independent person after asbestos removal works are undertaken by a licensed asbestos removalist. At All Clear, we have a team of Licensed Asbestos Assessors who can undertake a thorough clearance inspection and strive to deliver timely and quality clearance certificate reports to our clients.

Asbestos awareness healthy house checklist

All Clear Group carries out asbestos air monitoring and testing services in accordance with the document entitled Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for Estimating Airborne Asbestos Fibres 2nd Edition [NOHSC: 3003 (2005)].
Identifying Asbestos by engaging a licensed assessor is important to ensure that the risk of asbestos-related illness is minimised. Identifying asbestos cannot be confirmed by a visual examination, and samples of the suspected material must undergo testing at a laboratory using a microscope. 
Contact All Clear Group and our asbestos assessors will assist identifying asbestos within your property.

When you require the All Clear, call the experts today on 02 6937 6200

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